So it's been quite some time since I've been on this wonderful site. Currently, I'm not even really paying attention to what I'm typing. I'm watching the ultimate spoderman. Haha, spoderman. Anyways, I just wanted to say how much I've missed all the sexy, sweet ladies on this site (a prime example, Venom). Well have fun to any who read this. Time for a cig...
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So it's been quite some time since I've been on this wonderful site. Currently, I'm not even really paying attention to what I'm typing. I'm watching the ultimate spoderman. Haha, spoderman. Anyways, I just wanted to say how much I've missed all the sexy, sweet ladies on this site (a prime example, Venom). Well have fun to any who read this. Time for a cig...
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It's starting to get really old, spending every night alone. Save the company of my pooch. I'm thinking I need a change of scenery or something. The pickings around here seem to become more and more slim each and every day. I mean for fuck's sake, I'm sitting here watching the cleveland show on netflix, because I've already beat the hell out of Assassin's Creed...
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very nice!