We got a puppy monday night, have not slept more than 3hrs in a row since. Very tired, she's adorable though, I think God makes puppies and babies cute so you can't kill them. Not that I actually would, but strange things run through your head at 4am when you have to get up at 6am.
I have not been on in awhile and holy shit, someone kicked a hornets nest in PSW. Negative eneergy is such a turn off. I don't know the answer to controlling the BS, but something has to be done. It is hard to get involved with mud slinging over your head. Maybe if you can't play nice then you get booted no matter who started it. I think that would deter poeple from taking things personal from someone they talk (or should I say write) to on a computer. Also, if it is impossible to control your anger and continue to live your life, then you are going to have a hard tiime of life. Shit happens and you can't stop it. What makes you successful is how you deal with it. Bickering does not solve the issue, only adds to the NEGATIVITY.
I have not been on in awhile and holy shit, someone kicked a hornets nest in PSW. Negative eneergy is such a turn off. I don't know the answer to controlling the BS, but something has to be done. It is hard to get involved with mud slinging over your head. Maybe if you can't play nice then you get booted no matter who started it. I think that would deter poeple from taking things personal from someone they talk (or should I say write) to on a computer. Also, if it is impossible to control your anger and continue to live your life, then you are going to have a hard tiime of life. Shit happens and you can't stop it. What makes you successful is how you deal with it. Bickering does not solve the issue, only adds to the NEGATIVITY.
I have to say and i hope i don't offend anyone here I don't know what is going on PSW but i don't agree with the site My hubby wanted me to do a set for them but why should i i I think that women should be allowed to be suicide girls regardless of their size Women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes To me that site just says well your not good enough to be a sg so have a go on this and a lot of the women on there are stunning We are not meant to be the same being stick thin does not make you beautiful
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
I'm sorry sweetheart I am pissed but i know what i am trying to say in fact i'm gonna go write a new blog lol
Why must people be judged on their size It really fucks me off
Peace and love to you and your beautiful little pup sweetie
Thanks for your support on my journal.