Promised a real update soon on my last post, but a day later one of my best friends passed away. Had to get a last minute flight to NY, and I’ve been here for a week now for all the services and helping his mom clean up his place with a few other friends.
My friend has been dealing with health issues for most of his life, with his most recent cancer diagnosis last November. So, we knew he wasn’t well but honestly thought he did have more time. He was only 35.
It’s been a weird, hard, emotionally fraught week. Majority of my close friends are people I know through him. My life would have been wildly different without our friendship. These are people I’m closer with than my actual family. We visit each other regularly and do group FaceTime calls when we can’t travel. Friends for over 15 years now.
A lot of us have moved to new places, but I think it’s at least been a nice testament to the love between us that every single person flew back into NY for the services. And as much as the reason why sucks, it has been good to be all together again at the same time. It’s weird - reliving all these memories with our friend, and doing a lot of the activities we used to do together. It makes me feel very young, transporting me back to our early days of hanging out. But, at the same time, a gaping loss and the threat of mortality are hanging over us.
Nothing has changed. Everything has changed.