Sorry I haven't been terribly active or updating much recently. I'm having a bit of a terrible time tbh, and this has been a pretty shit year for me (granted with some nice highlights).
Please note, this blog is a bit of a vent but I am *not looking for unsolicited medical advice, thank you*
I've basically been having non-stop health issues since getting covid in January, though it's no longer clear what's related to that or not. I did have some long term/chronic issues pre-covid too, so also odds are just that my body ~*sucks*~. But basically every time one thing gets fixed, something else pops up. Healthcare here is also particularly bad, even for the US. Small town means limited provider options, and ridiculously long wait times for specialists and even general Drs.
Current flavor of problems is a combo of uncomfy skin flare-ups that seem to be an autoimmune response, but dermatologists are booked ~8 months out so nothing is confirmed. I have some over there counter cream that helps more than it doesn't, but hasn't 100% fixed things/immediately get flare ups if I skip a day (basically I get a ton of weird bumpy patches that used to be mostly itchy and a lil painful but are now mostly painful and a lil itchy). and also I have been having somewhat severe GI issues since March. Since been to multiple Drs, had multiple rounds of lab work, lab ran the wrong tests on first round, mixed up the second round with the first round and lost them in the system, and then finally got inconclusive results on the third so now I get to have tubes and a camera shoved down my throat, sweet. Unfortunately the Dr with the tube is booking out into September. My appetite is all fucked, my diet is limited, my physical activity is restricted, and I'm basically stuck sitting around like a sad sack.
Thankfully it's *somewhat* good timing with the new Zelda game as a distraction, but it is really hard for me to not be extremely physically active. Activities make up most of my social life, and are how I manage my mental and physical health (my hypermobility issues basically require me to have consistent movement otherwise things lock up and get very painful). So I'm feeling pretty lonely since I haven't been able to spend a ton of time with friends recently, physically garbage, and mentally not too hot either. Esp since I also had to go off my ADHD meds with everything going on. That's been a particularly hard blow since I *just* started taking them again earlier this year after a long break. But they did really help and I was so proud of myself for getting back on them.
I do have the odd good day and have been trying to get out when I can/move when I can though sometimes I suffer for it. Had a really great, long-ish hike on Sunday and felt awesome/had a great time. Threw up all my food on Monday and feeling pretty wrecked today.
Anyway, I got a new tattoo for the first time in ages so that was nice. (It's a Korok, lil character from the Zelda games, which I've been wanting even before the new game).
Hopefully a more cheerful update next time.