This is gonna be a very photo heavy blog lol. But you know those trips, those friends, that sort of just glow in your heart and make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Yeah.
Most of my closest friends live far away from me. A few of us decided to all meet up in the desert for a couple of days. We drove in from 3 different states and 4 different cities to meet up and just get some quality outdoor time together.
On Monday we hiked into some of the coolest hot springs I've ever seen, through a beautifully alien desert landscape.
That night we did a hobo style dinner on the campfire followed by an abundance of roasted marashmallows.
And on Tuesday we hiked out again, this time to a climbing spot. I used to climb regularly pre-pandemic but haven't been consistent the last couple of years. It was really nice to get back to it, especially with such a beloved group of friends.
And just since a last minute friend weekend wouldn't be complete without some impulsive decision making....we all got matching tattoos. Please don't ask why the word Fuck lol, I don't really know and I don't care tbh 😂🤗 matching tattoos are my love language and I'll happily go along with just about anything if someone dear to me suggests getting one. (@adastra and I have 4 or 5? Matching tattoos. Maybe more? I've lost count 🙏🏻😂 I also have a matching tattoo with @applez )
And anyway now I am home, and missing my friends already, but holding these days in my heart with so much gratitude.