Here is my new post for Niners Nations this week here as well as the first part of the story below:
The NFL combine is now underway and the question every NFL team really wants to know isn't who's the fastest, strongest, can jump the highest, or can wonderlic the best (I'm pretty sure that's the way you say it), what every NFL team really wants to know is if Manti Te'o is gay.
You may remember Te'o as the Notre Dame football player who claimed his girlfriend died only for it to be reveled later that the she didn't die. In fact, she never even existed in the first place. So why would someone makeup a fake girlfriend who died? The popular theory is that he must be gay. Either that or he just loves the spotlight and wanted to make up a story that would garner him some extra publicity. I don't know if he's gay but the story did get him a lot of publicity and as they say, even bad publicity is good publicity unless your name is Anthony Weiner and it was discovered that you were sexting pictures of your...uhm...well, you get the idea.
In the novel 1984, written by George Orwell, it talks about Big Brother watching all of the citizens of the fictional nation of Oceania. Everywhere the citizens went they had to be careful what they said or did because Big Brother was watching. Well guess what, Big Brother is watching and it's not the government. It's all of us! We're taking pictures, videos, blogging, texting, tweeting, and using just about every form of social media available to us so we can poke our big fat noses into everyone else's business before turning around to make sure everyone of our "friends" on our social networks knows all about what this person said or did. (In interest of full disclosure I first heard about this idea from Anthony Cumia.)
We've all become an army of camera phone wielding paparazzi and blogging investigative journalists who report any salacious detail we can about everyone we can. Did anyone really care that JFK and Marilyn Monroe were getting it on 60 years ago? But Weiner texts a picture of know...his...(I'll let you fill in the blank) and everyone loses their mind and Weiner is forced to resign from congress.
However when it all comes down to it, who cares? Does it really matter if Te'o is gay or not? Is being tackled by a big sweaty man OK if he's straight but if he's gay that somehow becomes a bad thing? Of course the bigger issue is the locker room, but they let female reporters in the locker room and I don't think anyone's going crazy over that or asking the female reporters what their sexual identity is. And just so we're clear, I guarantee there are gay players in the NFL right now. Would any of us have known Kwame Harris was gay if he hadn't been charged with abuse after he beat up his ex-boyfriend?
One of my favorite quotes is by Friedrich Nietzsche when he said, "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." We should spend more time worrying about ourselves and less time worrying about what people may or may not be doing in their free time. Now excuse me while I post some pictures of Michael Vick with his dog at a dog training class. Those are fucking hysterical!
The NFL combine is now underway and the question every NFL team really wants to know isn't who's the fastest, strongest, can jump the highest, or can wonderlic the best (I'm pretty sure that's the way you say it), what every NFL team really wants to know is if Manti Te'o is gay.
You may remember Te'o as the Notre Dame football player who claimed his girlfriend died only for it to be reveled later that the she didn't die. In fact, she never even existed in the first place. So why would someone makeup a fake girlfriend who died? The popular theory is that he must be gay. Either that or he just loves the spotlight and wanted to make up a story that would garner him some extra publicity. I don't know if he's gay but the story did get him a lot of publicity and as they say, even bad publicity is good publicity unless your name is Anthony Weiner and it was discovered that you were sexting pictures of your...uhm...well, you get the idea.
In the novel 1984, written by George Orwell, it talks about Big Brother watching all of the citizens of the fictional nation of Oceania. Everywhere the citizens went they had to be careful what they said or did because Big Brother was watching. Well guess what, Big Brother is watching and it's not the government. It's all of us! We're taking pictures, videos, blogging, texting, tweeting, and using just about every form of social media available to us so we can poke our big fat noses into everyone else's business before turning around to make sure everyone of our "friends" on our social networks knows all about what this person said or did. (In interest of full disclosure I first heard about this idea from Anthony Cumia.)
We've all become an army of camera phone wielding paparazzi and blogging investigative journalists who report any salacious detail we can about everyone we can. Did anyone really care that JFK and Marilyn Monroe were getting it on 60 years ago? But Weiner texts a picture of know...his...(I'll let you fill in the blank) and everyone loses their mind and Weiner is forced to resign from congress.
However when it all comes down to it, who cares? Does it really matter if Te'o is gay or not? Is being tackled by a big sweaty man OK if he's straight but if he's gay that somehow becomes a bad thing? Of course the bigger issue is the locker room, but they let female reporters in the locker room and I don't think anyone's going crazy over that or asking the female reporters what their sexual identity is. And just so we're clear, I guarantee there are gay players in the NFL right now. Would any of us have known Kwame Harris was gay if he hadn't been charged with abuse after he beat up his ex-boyfriend?
One of my favorite quotes is by Friedrich Nietzsche when he said, "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." We should spend more time worrying about ourselves and less time worrying about what people may or may not be doing in their free time. Now excuse me while I post some pictures of Michael Vick with his dog at a dog training class. Those are fucking hysterical!
the twitter hashtag #occupywallstreet originated here. decentralized with no leadership, it was not usurped by conservative investment, it did not suffer the same fate as the 'Tea Party Movement' and it was mainly not infiltrated by diseased and cancerous money.
It took NPR 2 weeks to actually mention any of it publicly after they started.
There are no #Occupy candidates (with empirically 'scientifically measurable' 'emotional IQs' in the 'developmentally disabled' range of the emotional IQ spectrum) currently in office now. 'Perveted' 'Tea Party' candidates got rickrolled into office.
locate the origins of the ballet dancer posing, literally on the 'Golden Cow' sculpture, most people jokingly pose for a photo by it's basketball sized nuts and ass.
also, let me know when you are ready to tag team!