all right. So I need to move on. I need to make these changes and make some money. I need to not be listening to Faith No More. So I shuffle through inspechtah deck, garth brooks, cat power, metric and nothing seems right. whatever. I can't come here looking for distractions and virtual friendships. I'm quiting at my awful job, its sucked three years from me and I'm finally drawing the line because my boss is withholding my tips. It really sucks. among other things. I need some more fresh fall air and to jump in other people's leaves, and not worry about the consiquences. ouch.
How you gunna win when you ain't right within?
So I need a new job, that can handle this sassy little bossy chic that will work it to the bone while drawing faces on the lemons and makeing board games on the back of receites. who'll humor me and pay me big bucks or at least make me happy. I just want to feel needed. and pay my bills. so here I go, off into the world. in for a whole lot o hurting, but I got me on my side. and that ain't too bad for once.
and yes, this means I am calling SG quits. I am telling you because I like some of you folks. I am telling you to give you chance to rememeber the good times and to make me a goodbye mix.
if you want, I am a very super great pinpal....I will draw you funny pictures on cool stationary and stuff....though I don't usually write frequently, it's all about the quality.....you know, so like email me or write me or something, and I will be forever yours.
until we meet again my sweet little pie faces.....
have witchiepoo spooky excellent halloweenies
and never forget
peace sugar lips.
I think that there will still be a link to my email after I go grey.....so keep it alive guys........
naw nebs they cut that link when you go gray, ya gotta pay for links ya know