Boxing Day? All the stores were open! Crass American Commercialism wins the day again. You heard me, Americans. Though I don't really count you people amongst the evils of your culture. You're the exceptions, and that's why I hang out here and not somewhere else. That and the fact that I can look at naked girls and not feel dirty here, for some reason. Maybe its the marriage of nudity and personality. Whatver.
Saw The Two Towers for the third (!) time today. Still as good as the second time I saw it (though not as good as the first, mushroom trip, time). Peter Jackson is a genius.
The rest of the day has been ups and downs. My parents have gotten me to take care of every little technical problem they've been having with their computers. That's fine. Then they entrusted me with my dad's new digital camera, to take "Christmas Photos" of the family. That was fun, since I got to bustle around with the new toy, making everything just right. Then disaster struck. My poor mother got very upset after seeing the first round, declaring that she looked like her aunt, and went and changed and insisted we do the whole thing over again. Then she started complaining about how she shouldn't have let herself get fat over those two winters several years ago. It wouldn't have been so heartbreaking, if she hadn't... well, just been completely saddened by the whole thing. I felt awful. Both my parents have recently hit their new bodies. My mom's 49, and well... she looks 49 goddamnit. I don't/didn't think anything of it. Whatever she looks like on the outside, she's still the most beautiful person I know, and I'm not just saying that cause she's my mom.
She raised all her brothers and sisters from when she was 5, dealing with the stereotypical evil stepmother scenario (to the T!), and then raised a second lot of kids in myself and my sister. She's never given a single moment of thought to her own needs or wants in all the time that I've known her, or know of ABOUT her. Every single person who has known her, thinks she's the most incredible human being they've ever met. And, yet, somehow something has made my mother despise herself. Maybe it was TV. Maybe it was "society". Maybe it was all those lifetimes of putting others first, and then finally living alone the last couple years after my sister and I moved away from home. Whatever it is, the talk then, and afterwards about weught loss - when she has a perfectly normal, healthy 49 year old body - completely depressed me. She wants to be young again, maybe. But that just serves as a reminder of her mortality. To me, to her. To my father. What a dead fucking day.
Saw The Two Towers for the third (!) time today. Still as good as the second time I saw it (though not as good as the first, mushroom trip, time). Peter Jackson is a genius.
The rest of the day has been ups and downs. My parents have gotten me to take care of every little technical problem they've been having with their computers. That's fine. Then they entrusted me with my dad's new digital camera, to take "Christmas Photos" of the family. That was fun, since I got to bustle around with the new toy, making everything just right. Then disaster struck. My poor mother got very upset after seeing the first round, declaring that she looked like her aunt, and went and changed and insisted we do the whole thing over again. Then she started complaining about how she shouldn't have let herself get fat over those two winters several years ago. It wouldn't have been so heartbreaking, if she hadn't... well, just been completely saddened by the whole thing. I felt awful. Both my parents have recently hit their new bodies. My mom's 49, and well... she looks 49 goddamnit. I don't/didn't think anything of it. Whatever she looks like on the outside, she's still the most beautiful person I know, and I'm not just saying that cause she's my mom.

Thanks for the advice in my journal, it was very well received. Gives me lots to consider.
And Ottowa doesn't sound so bad when you offer me a comfy bed with a warm body
We'll tkae pictures and post them in SGcanada.