Saw the Two Towers again today. Somehow its not quite as good when you're not on mushrooms. Of course, don't get me wrong, the movie is still eeeeexxxcellent to a geek like me. I just didn't -live- it this time. Which is probably just as well, since last time I pretended to be Gollum for about an hour afterwards, and I'm pretty sure that if anyone had seen me, they would have been repulsed. I was very faithful to the character as rendered in the movie (*GOLLUM*). I also got a neat big plastic cup (filled with Sprite) for $4.50. This is a good thing, because all the cups I have in my apartment are too small for long stints at the computer (which is at the opposite end from the damnable kitchen, where refills live in fear of my return). So I got a big cup. Also, I went to my girlfriend's parent's house for dinner. They're so crazy. I don't even want to get into it right now. Just trust me.
Lastly, I'm going to my parents for the Christmas thing tomorrow at noon, so I probably won't be posting anywhere around here for a couple days.
Lastly, I'm going to my parents for the Christmas thing tomorrow at noon, so I probably won't be posting anywhere around here for a couple days.
i think they did a great job with him!
what is a nebajoth?