Saw the Two Towers again today. Somehow its not quite as good when you're not on mushrooms. Of course, don't get me wrong, the movie is still eeeeexxxcellent to a geek like me. I just didn't -live- it this time. Which is probably just as well, since last time I pretended to be Gollum for about an hour afterwards, and I'm pretty sure that if...
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i know what you mean about wanting to go out and meet the people around here.. do you not live near one of the cities that have started having little get togethers?

i love gollum, too.
i think they did a great job with him!

what is a nebajoth?
Hullo. I've had such a non-cool day. I had a huge argument with my girlfriend, which basically came out of the fact that my planning skills are second to none for short-sightedness. I didn't do any of the million-and-one things I should be doing (last minute Xmas shopping, marking the h00gest pile of book reviews ever, writing a paper worth 50% of my mark in...
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thanks for the 2 towers info.
that makes total sense now.
I couldn't stand to let anyone languish in ignorance of such an important piece of geek trivia smile
I've never kept a blog before. I think I might keep one here. And the first thing I'd like to say is this: Thank god someone decided to make a community-oriented site where I get to talk to cute girls with tattoos, and other boys/girls who also like cute girls with tattoos. biggrin

I'm so hardcore in love with half the girls on this site. Don't...
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