today's entry, a dream....

I have strange dreams for such a plain man such as me...las night was no exception.

I was at a wedding (reception or ceremony...it wasn't clear) it was an ice rink and to my side i could see the bride and groom trying to keep each other up as they skated to each of the guests for a bit of friendly...
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this girl that is in the site...it isn't her...it was simply a dream...
they say strange things happen to strange people...today was no exception...
I was racking my bike a ways from the University (spares me parking fees) and as i was doing so a nun goes walking in my direction...
being as how there is a convent next to where I parked I thought nothing of it...until she spoke to me...
"you think too much," she said,...
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it has been a while since i've written here....a lot has happened and if you have the time to read on...you won't be too bored....
spring break was some two weeks ago and i celebrated by driving up there...by myself...and come back with my sister and her friend who were already there having flown one way....
while there we went our seperate ways...they rented a...
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Sounds like you had a blast. I haven't been spring breaking in years!!
it has been a while since i've been in here...i hope everyone is well...all is well in my camp...i had the strangest dream last night, for those of you you like dreams...
I was in library, dimly lit, an old one because the books were old, maybe hundreds of years or so. I was looking at one in particular and i heard a sound of...
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another beautiful sunny day...love that weather, it is nice to know my car won't drown on a particular day. yes, my car drowns...she is so old and has absolutely no resistance to renegade water....like that rain storm we had about a week or so ago in california? (for all those californians who know what the heck i am talking about)...the suvs all out on the...
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thanks for the kind words...:-)
I forget what day i am on...ahhh who cares, i'm the only one who writes, the only one who reads all this. which doesn't make me feel left out at all...
I have not recieved notification on my SGLA application which is a good and a bad thing...good in that if anyone does dislike me i won't be getting my woopin'...
bad it that i...
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last night i barely slept...I woke up around four am after having messed up dreams. I wouln't say my dreams are prophetic but there are time that i will have a particular dream and it is so disturbing and i wonder to myself what things in my thoughts led to such visions. Last night gave me such dreams...
This morning i wake up and cough,...
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day two of my inauguration to SG...
today was cold...freezing mind you, for california weather...though you can't help but love that cold on your skin, especially when riding around in a bike. Over in the valley where i go to school it is not just cold but windy and you feel it almost knocking you over as you pedal hard to keep your balance. I...
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yes, first and foremost i am my own best friend, i am not pathetic, i just clicked on the wrong place...(darn clicky things)...
as for my crush...it would have to be charlotte, she is the reason i joined SG, because she is beautiful and sexy, and has some of the best photos i have seen so far. anyways, hello to everyon, it is good to...
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Welcome, and thanks for the idea, now with a click of the mouse i am my own best friend.