another beautiful sunny that weather, it is nice to know my car won't drown on a particular day. yes, my car drowns...she is so old and has absolutely no resistance to renegade that rain storm we had about a week or so ago in california? (for all those californians who know what the heck i am talking about)...the suvs all out on the road hadn't helped the matter either that day...each time they'd pass me "swoosh!" water on my car. but cindy is a good car (yes, i name my car, and no she is the only cindy i know) i beat the heck of her (ie, ritual drowning, accidents (which aren't always my fault mind you), missed curbs, big holes, small animals (those squirrels just come out of nowhere!!!!). yep, cindy has been around the block quite a bit...and the city...and the state...anyways, i digress... for all you sun lovers out there, enjoy it while it lasts...for all you lovers of the rain, fear not, more is said to be on the enjoy...
thanks for the kind words...:-)