i had the strangest dream last night...
i was with my ex student, the one whose middle school graduation i had gone to...it was her first day of school, but it wasn't high school...it seemed to be elementary...
and, i guess i was there with her parents, seeing her off...
out of nowhere a man with frizzy hair and long goatee comes up to me, thinking i was a teacher there and asked me why he wasn't let inside...
i imagine he was a parent at first, but something in me doubted it...
"since the attacks the security at all schools have been tightened...you can't simply walk in anymore, you must call in advance and arrange for a teacher or administrator to act as your guide...
angrily he looked at me...and left...
odd man, i thought.
i walked with this family into the playgrounds, and saw two merry go rounds, one large, one small, and each had colorful puffy horses...and next to each of these were large tanks fitted with gappling guns...that turned as the carousel turned....and the children played on it with out batting an eye...
it was a strange sight.
i was with my ex student, the one whose middle school graduation i had gone to...it was her first day of school, but it wasn't high school...it seemed to be elementary...
and, i guess i was there with her parents, seeing her off...
out of nowhere a man with frizzy hair and long goatee comes up to me, thinking i was a teacher there and asked me why he wasn't let inside...
i imagine he was a parent at first, but something in me doubted it...
"since the attacks the security at all schools have been tightened...you can't simply walk in anymore, you must call in advance and arrange for a teacher or administrator to act as your guide...
angrily he looked at me...and left...
odd man, i thought.
i walked with this family into the playgrounds, and saw two merry go rounds, one large, one small, and each had colorful puffy horses...and next to each of these were large tanks fitted with gappling guns...that turned as the carousel turned....and the children played on it with out batting an eye...
it was a strange sight.
ooh cool it was like a big social commentary dream! Protecting a playground with tanks is taking 'tightened school security' a little far though.... let's hope it never comes to that!
i am hoping