Well nothing really new to report, Still can't decide what to do with the whole relationship thing... oh well. I almost got kicked out of one of my classes again for tell the professor (very nicely mid you) that she was wrong.
I went rock climbing again today which was a blast, can't wait till the weather warms up so I can go down to...
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I went rock climbing again today which was a blast, can't wait till the weather warms up so I can go down to...
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So... exactly one month till my birthday. I don't really think I'm looking forward to turning 22, not that it's old, it's just not really all that exciting. Can't decide how I feel about the girl I'm dating right now... part of me really likes her, and there are things that are wonderful about her, but part of me really isn't ready to stop being...
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two days until my birthday...yessss...
i've felt quite irritated about everything myself it seems. i wish time would stop just for a few days so i could get it together.

i've felt quite irritated about everything myself it seems. i wish time would stop just for a few days so i could get it together.

Well I've decided that I really hate being back in school. Overall classes suck, there is a very limited number of cute females in my classes. Overall break was pretty good... still need to find a job for this semester and probably next year. My only hope is that I don't have to do something that is really shitty.
I sometimes wonder if I am...
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I sometimes wonder if I am...
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Ahh no school. Free time with Becca
Going back to Austin for a week.

So tonight I had a telephone survey person ask me out... it really freaked me out. Hopefully not another stalker... Fianls suck... will update more when they're over...
maybe you were on mtv's boiling points and you weren't patient with the telephone survey person and you didn't win the $100?
damn tv.
finals are a cruel joke.

damn tv.
finals are a cruel joke.
Hey, how's it goin? I'm not sure about the rest of you but I tired of going into fast food resturants and seeing little fatkins approved menu's. Go Fuck yourself with a fucking loaf of bread, stop shoving this fatkins thing in my face. When I go get fast food I know that it's bad for me, but I don't care, I like it. And...
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atkins is just a lame excuse for a diet for people who are lazy...and atkins aprroved menus are for lazy people who like to eat out which is probably the reason they're fat in the first place...my two cents...
it's about a 30 minute drive to the sandwich manufacturing plant in thornton. not too bad on a normal day but i am strongly anti-snow....
it's about a 30 minute drive to the sandwich manufacturing plant in thornton. not too bad on a normal day but i am strongly anti-snow....
Blah so much to do. On the upside however I just found out I have a job through the philosohpy department next semester. Then fall semester of '05 I should get to teach my own intro to philosophy class. Pretty uneventful weekend, wend out to the bars one night for a friends b-day and then did pretty much nothing but be a bum for the...
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Never mix Aleve and Stormin' Norman's... regardless or how bad your headache is. 

perhaps just aleve would have done the trick?
you should go to berkely....isn't it really hard to get into though. i love that area....anywhere from san francisco and north is where i'd love to be.

you should go to berkely....isn't it really hard to get into though. i love that area....anywhere from san francisco and north is where i'd love to be.
So much shit to do. 3 papers to write, 1 oral defense, 2 tests, 3 finals. Finish a few job applications for a couple different fire departments all over the northern colorado area. Blah.
Found out some good news today, it looks like my band is going to play a few shows at SXSW this upcoming Spring!
Hopefully we can get some dates in the Fort Collins, Denver area before then.

So Yeah... Thanksgiving break was awesome, got alot done. We're going to start on a pheonix back piece over Christmas break some time... it's going to be wicked. I'll post a pick once we get done.
Now here's the thing I'm not a shy person what-so-ever. However there's this girl that I'm friends with that I have always really liked
, and recently she's been...
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Now here's the thing I'm not a shy person what-so-ever. However there's this girl that I'm friends with that I have always really liked

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In Austin for the week! Free Tattoos!!!

damn...i wish i got free tattoos everytime i went to Austin...some people have all the luck!