does anyone else think it looks really silly when the keyboard player in a band rocks out really hard?
example: the guy on the EMF "unbelievable" video.
people should be more robotic behind a keyboard (a la' flock of seagulls)
by the way...your application is accepted...especially if he is working nites....a sordid little affair.....hmmmmmmmm, that could be very interesting, when should i move out there?
well, i've yet to see a picture of you, but i don't think the robin "mask" is a's not like i'm all crazy about her or anything.....she just would let me change my current crush or she said she'd kick my ass..... so your cutie patootie face would be just dandy!
by the way...your application is accepted...especially if he is working nites....a sordid little affair.....hmmmmmmmm, that could be very interesting, when should i move out there?
youre a cutie!