I was just watching the news & they were doing a story on stem cell research. they have discovered a way to make teeth grow back, they showed this guy with big creepy white teeth like the motivational speaker anthony robbins. well, that is not the part that struck me. the thing that upset me is that they showed photographs of little rats walking aroung with teeth sticking out of thier bellies, they looked so confused & scared while all these researchers are just beaming with pride as they hover over them. people are so sick. I for one dont think teeth growing back is that important. I mean after all we are animals, right? and there is always false teeth if you are too vein too be toothless, you could get the kind keith richards & john lydon have then you would look like a real rockstar, nothing is cooler then rockstars right? I have lots of teeth so what do I know, but I wish people would look at the big picture, y'know? its no wonder fate has doomed our species, we suck.. oh well rant ending now...my apologies to all who have read this far...
it's okay, i like rants. it's my primary way of communicating, actually.