Well everyone I think it is about time for an update. I am finally going to have my own internet at my house!! I am very excited to bad it couldn't be next week like I want because ofcourse we are getting underway again. One of the joys of being in the navy in Japan. We are ALWAYS getting underway. Even when you thought you...
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Yay for internet at your house!

And thank you for the love on my Hopeful set Sky High ! wink
Hey everyone just wanted to give a little update on how I am doing and everything. Well those of you that have been missing me which from the e-mails and messages I have been getting is little to none...I finally have my house out here in Japan. It looks fantastic now I just have to fill it with awesome furniture. When I get the internet...
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Good to hear you're doing well!
Talk to you soon! smile
When will you be online again?
Well everyone I know it has been a while since I posted one of these. I finally made it out here. It is about 5 in the morning and I am doing pretty good. I haven't caught the whole time change GAWD I am tired wave yet. But I am sure it will come sooner or later. I am currently sleeping on a couch of...
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thank you for the set comment! kiss
I haven't heard about you in a while.. where r u?

Hi everyone,
I guess this is to really find out who my friends are or at least who really cares. I just realized I am going through one of the hardest trials and tribulations of my life. If you didn't know I am in the navy and currently trying to change commands. I am going to another ship but this time out of Japan. I...
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Something like that happened to me but I wasn't in your position. I had been going out with this guy for about a year and a half and I broke up with him because I was no longer attracted to him. That wasn't the only reason for the break up. He didn't seem very interesting in having sex with me so that was another factor.
Hello everyone!! Well it has been a while since I have given an update on what is going on with Jason. Well I am currently in the Red sea. We just went through the Suez canal so that is number 5 for me. Before that I was in Haifa Israel. I got to see Jerusalem and I got to float in the Dead sea. What...
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Ok, I got your payment and will have it sent out in a couple of weeks!

Thank you smile
Hello everyone....it is getting closer and closer to Japan time!!! I am actually underway now with my current ship headed to the Mediterranean. I am really looking forward to this trip too because we might be pulling into Israel. Which I hear has really good and cheaper diamond sellers! Because that is right ladies and gentelman I am considering to let my lovely girlfriend take...
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Well everyone I know it has been a while but here is the new addition of Jason's Blog. I am still suck on the USS Ramage. I can't wait to leave though. I am reporting to my new ship the USS Shiloh out of Yakusaka Japan. I think that is how you spell it. I currently have a wonderful girlfriend that I love and adore....
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aaawww that is so special...Katy gonna love it...thats really sweet of you to take her to the beach...
and Happy belated Birthday....my 26th birthday comin up next month...dammmn im gettin old....haha
Hi everyone!!! I am sooooo sorry it has taken so long to get on here. I am doing well. There has been alot that has gone on since the last time I was on here. Back in February I was in an accident and totaled my car out! But no worries because it was all just body damage. frown I am slowly getting it back together...
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Happy Birthday!!!
That's so awesome that you're going to Japan. It looks like such a crazy place.
Hi everyone,
I hope all are well these post new years days. My new years went well. I was stuck on the ship working but what are you going to do. So I have figured something out after the night before last. Irish whiskey, strongbow, Gennius, and a variety or other refreshments don't really get along together in a short amount of time. But I...
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Sorry I keep missing you on aim hun frown
Hey everyone,
I hope you all are doing well. Everyone send me some luck in the fact that I don't go to jail haha. I was kinda caught speeding. So wish me luck!!! I hope everyone has a great holiday and a great new years. Hit me up.

Jason ARRR!!!
call me, i'll bail you out................