Hi everyone,
I guess this is to really find out who my friends are or at least who really cares. I just realized I am going through one of the hardest trials and tribulations of my life. If you didn't know I am in the navy and currently trying to change commands. I am going to another ship but this time out of Japan. I don't know about you but moving from home to another country on the other side of the world is a tremendous step. So that is the first thing that is wrapped around my mind.
The Second which some of you already know which really helped out with the first was my wonderful girlfriend. She meant so much to me during that time of transition of , hey I am leaving everything and everyone I know and going to a new place, she was the rock I was standing on. Because in her I knew I was loved and that wasn't going to change.
Little did I know that both the ship and my ex-girlfriend would throw me into something I can not even explain. Something that is so hard to grasp that I can't stop thinking about. My ship has not done there job and now I am in limbo on if I get to leave or not. Yes that is worst case scenario. Most likely I will leave but that doesn't negate the thoughts going through my head. Not leaving is a possibility which will change everything I have prepared myself for as far as leaving to be in a different country. The other bolt thrown into the cogs of my mind is that Katy my girlfriend, that I thought was going to marry, left me two days ago. During the time I needed someone most that loved me. I was told that I wasn't physically attractive to her anymore, I was told that she didn't know if she was in love with me as a girlfriend the whole time we were together. Needless to say I am currently on deployment and on a ship in the Indian Ocean. Surrounded by water and not my friends and loved ones to help me through this time. I might have internet one day I might not.
Hear is my question to everyone. Yes everyone goes through break ups. Yes everyone gets over them or at least hopes they do. Yes everyone has trouble with work. It works out or it doesn't. But my question is, yes this might seem funny but I am asking in all seriousness, How can someone Love and Care for you as a lover and a girlfriend then with no notice tell you they only want to be friends. I would like to say I am a very intelligent person. But this one thing I just don't understand. How can I after loving someone so hard and so strongly forget all those feelings and go have a beer like nothing has ever happened. I ask you everyone that might read this. My friends, the ones that say they are friends but don't really care either way, and those that might just happened to see a new post from someone. Thank you all for reading my venting session. If you didn't read it all screw you. Everyone has something to say some time and I know I am not pissing you off because well you didn't read it all! So your probably not reading this! To those of you that do read and reply. Please refrain from the slogans and clich's. I know there are plenty of fish in the sea I know when a door closes a window opens. So don't worry about telling me things like that. Tell me your experiences. Tell me what has happened to you. This is my out cry to learn more about my friends here. You know me I laid it out on the table. So tell me about you.
I guess this is to really find out who my friends are or at least who really cares. I just realized I am going through one of the hardest trials and tribulations of my life. If you didn't know I am in the navy and currently trying to change commands. I am going to another ship but this time out of Japan. I don't know about you but moving from home to another country on the other side of the world is a tremendous step. So that is the first thing that is wrapped around my mind.
The Second which some of you already know which really helped out with the first was my wonderful girlfriend. She meant so much to me during that time of transition of , hey I am leaving everything and everyone I know and going to a new place, she was the rock I was standing on. Because in her I knew I was loved and that wasn't going to change.
Little did I know that both the ship and my ex-girlfriend would throw me into something I can not even explain. Something that is so hard to grasp that I can't stop thinking about. My ship has not done there job and now I am in limbo on if I get to leave or not. Yes that is worst case scenario. Most likely I will leave but that doesn't negate the thoughts going through my head. Not leaving is a possibility which will change everything I have prepared myself for as far as leaving to be in a different country. The other bolt thrown into the cogs of my mind is that Katy my girlfriend, that I thought was going to marry, left me two days ago. During the time I needed someone most that loved me. I was told that I wasn't physically attractive to her anymore, I was told that she didn't know if she was in love with me as a girlfriend the whole time we were together. Needless to say I am currently on deployment and on a ship in the Indian Ocean. Surrounded by water and not my friends and loved ones to help me through this time. I might have internet one day I might not.
Hear is my question to everyone. Yes everyone goes through break ups. Yes everyone gets over them or at least hopes they do. Yes everyone has trouble with work. It works out or it doesn't. But my question is, yes this might seem funny but I am asking in all seriousness, How can someone Love and Care for you as a lover and a girlfriend then with no notice tell you they only want to be friends. I would like to say I am a very intelligent person. But this one thing I just don't understand. How can I after loving someone so hard and so strongly forget all those feelings and go have a beer like nothing has ever happened. I ask you everyone that might read this. My friends, the ones that say they are friends but don't really care either way, and those that might just happened to see a new post from someone. Thank you all for reading my venting session. If you didn't read it all screw you. Everyone has something to say some time and I know I am not pissing you off because well you didn't read it all! So your probably not reading this! To those of you that do read and reply. Please refrain from the slogans and clich's. I know there are plenty of fish in the sea I know when a door closes a window opens. So don't worry about telling me things like that. Tell me your experiences. Tell me what has happened to you. This is my out cry to learn more about my friends here. You know me I laid it out on the table. So tell me about you.

Something like that happened to me but I wasn't in your position. I had been going out with this guy for about a year and a half and I broke up with him because I was no longer attracted to him. That wasn't the only reason for the break up. He didn't seem very interesting in having sex with me so that was another factor.