Hi everyone!!! I am sooooo sorry it has taken so long to get on here. I am doing well. There has been alot that has gone on since the last time I was on here. Back in February I was in an accident and totaled my car out! But no worries because it was all just body damage.
I am slowly getting it back together though. Lets see what else has been going on. I finally got my orders to the next ship I will be on. I am going to JAPAN everyone!!!
I have always wanted to go there so I am pretty excited about living there for a couple years. I would love to hear from all my friends on here. Special shot out to my girl Toxic...I know we keep missing each other on aim haha. But I should be home and not on the ship most of June so we will catch up I promise! Oh yeah forgot the most important thing! I just left fleet week in Fort Lauderdale Florida. I had a blast. Met some great people and made some new friends. If anyone goes down to Ft Lauderdale you need to check out this place....America's Backyard! What a fantastic bar!!! I will get all the information from the manger, and see if he wants me to promote! I am sure he does!!! haha. Beer bongs behind the bar all you have to do is ask. They have one hell of a dj and happy hour from open to 9 everyday!!! 2 for 1. Well everyone I have to get going. Hit me up and drop me some lines and how everyone is doing. Hope to hear from you soon.


Happy Birthday!!!
That's so awesome that you're going to Japan. It looks like such a crazy place.