Hey everyone sorry it has taken me so long to write. Well alot has happend this past week. I worked my ass off and actually lost about 6 pounds in 2 days. We had missile off load and omg why did it have to be the two hottest days of the year
well it is finally over. My dad and my half sister came to visit me at the new apartment. It was so good seeing them. I don't get to see them that much now that I live down at the beach. Today I helped a co-worker move. I hate stairs that is all I have to say
I hate them...I HATE THEM. Ha. But that is over now to. So now I am just sitting arround. There isn't a whole lot going on right now but I am happy. Still a bit loney but that is life right. Well all hope you had a wonderful weekend and a nice week. Here are some pics of the apartment. I still have to fram some pictures and things like that and get a bed room set but slowly and surely I will be done. I will be fully where I want it after I move out. Ha.
Well here are some pics of the new place. Give me your comments. Remember I am still trying to get things on the wall. Hope you all like.