why is it that all good things in life have to be followed by something that is fucking stupid!
we (me and my fiance) recieved a great gift from her parents for christmas...our honeymoon! firstclass to disney world...hotel...ccar rental...and 5 day hopper pass to disneyworld! which will be great..but now that they have promised this they are being shitheads about it and fucking with tara relentlessly about how much this is all gonna cost..and how she is selfish for even wanting this...and the whole time she is just crying her poor eyes out because she is always being berated by her mother! this whole time..im on duty..and i cant go home and just hold her and calm her down...i feel like just saying fuckit and not having anything to do with her family...not because they treat me poorly, but because of the way they treat their daughter. so after she calms down...she gets a call back for a job interview! this is great! she gets her composure, drives towards the interview destination and wham some stupid bitch on her cell phone driving a goddamn suv rearends her! the cops show up and, even though she is clearly the victim in this accident, start harassing her about her registration (expired during the holidays) and her insurance card (in my car because i just got both of us new insurance)! this poor woman cant catch a break! she is the most kind hearted woman on the planet and shows loved to every on in her life...if you pray...pray for her please...if you meditate...then om with her in mind...if you sacrifice goats then slit a throat for her! my day was ok though...but i wont tell her that...i may be an asshole...but im only an asshole to people other than her!
we (me and my fiance) recieved a great gift from her parents for christmas...our honeymoon! firstclass to disney world...hotel...ccar rental...and 5 day hopper pass to disneyworld! which will be great..but now that they have promised this they are being shitheads about it and fucking with tara relentlessly about how much this is all gonna cost..and how she is selfish for even wanting this...and the whole time she is just crying her poor eyes out because she is always being berated by her mother! this whole time..im on duty..and i cant go home and just hold her and calm her down...i feel like just saying fuckit and not having anything to do with her family...not because they treat me poorly, but because of the way they treat their daughter. so after she calms down...she gets a call back for a job interview! this is great! she gets her composure, drives towards the interview destination and wham some stupid bitch on her cell phone driving a goddamn suv rearends her! the cops show up and, even though she is clearly the victim in this accident, start harassing her about her registration (expired during the holidays) and her insurance card (in my car because i just got both of us new insurance)! this poor woman cant catch a break! she is the most kind hearted woman on the planet and shows loved to every on in her life...if you pray...pray for her please...if you meditate...then om with her in mind...if you sacrifice goats then slit a throat for her! my day was ok though...but i wont tell her that...i may be an asshole...but im only an asshole to people other than her!