over the past few months the job scene has been looking pretty miserable for me out here in portland. finally got a break. even though it's just a job to pay the rent till the end of the year, i think it is going to be cool. i landed a sales job in the new apple computer store opening up in the area. my only fear is that i will spend all my wages on an ipod. must resist. at least i'll be able to afford to buy a copy of panther when it's released later this month. ohh, and maybe some extra memory. a new battery would be nice. oh who am i kidding. i'm totally screwed.
The advice on writers block sounds good. Narrow my focus. Either tonight or tomorrow night I will give it a shot. But right now... It's grab a shower and go watch HOCKEY!!!
Oh yeah, do you think Portland has room for 1 more mechanic? I gotta get out of Florida!