been a few weeks since the last entry. my own journal feels alien to me. what can you say when you pick up a few good books and lose all track of time? there will be many more visits to the public library in the near future. there are so many titles on the list it will take at least a year to make any progress. neglected classics, friends' recommendations, fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels. where do i start? finishing up a sci-fi kick and tackling wolfe's "the right stuff" but where to go from there? still haven't read lotr; keep hearing great things about "sandman"; king has just re-released "the gunslinger" w/ additional content and the final 3 installments of the series are on the way. damn. time to bury myself again.
More Blogs
Saturday Oct 25, 2003
X, X, X..... when can i not get blindsided by the X? apparent… -
Thursday Oct 23, 2003
got to see "kill bill" last nite. super cool movie. very different … -
Wednesday Oct 22, 2003
feels good to be reading again. i love the feeling of finishing a go… -
Monday Oct 20, 2003
tomorrow is (i can still call it that until i get to sleep) animonday… -
Wednesday Oct 15, 2003
there's always next year . . . -
Monday Oct 13, 2003
monday monday... started a weekly event "ani-monday" in an effort … -
Sunday Oct 12, 2003
can't sleep. it's freakin late. some bad energy i gotta ... do some… -
Thursday Oct 09, 2003
over the past few months the job scene has been looking pretty misera… -
Wednesday Oct 08, 2003
been a few weeks since the last entry. my own journal feels alien to… -
Wednesday Sep 17, 2003
yesterday i picked up the new david bowie "reality" and the johnny ca…