Sooooooooooo ... last night I went to Mugs n Jugs at the Bug Jar! I got to see the lovelySaida there whom I haven't seen in a lloonnggg time.. and that was great!
I got to meet a lot of really cool people, and was even invited to join a Asain Gang. lmao
Shena and Tristan ended up comin' out too and that's always fun. tehe I ended up going on a mini road trip with them.. Shena invited me to their next road trip to Buffalo!! w00t!
I really need to learn to take more pics at these things!!
I really like all the friends I have now .. well, alll through high school I had friends and stuff.. but I wasn't liked ... AT ALL.. and I was always looked at as so ugly and icky (not by all my friends.. but by like everyone else) ...
but now ... my new friends don't treat me like that. hehe It's good, I like it.

I got to meet a lot of really cool people, and was even invited to join a Asain Gang. lmao

Shena and Tristan ended up comin' out too and that's always fun. tehe I ended up going on a mini road trip with them.. Shena invited me to their next road trip to Buffalo!! w00t!
I really need to learn to take more pics at these things!!
I really like all the friends I have now .. well, alll through high school I had friends and stuff.. but I wasn't liked ... AT ALL.. and I was always looked at as so ugly and icky (not by all my friends.. but by like everyone else) ...
but now ... my new friends don't treat me like that. hehe It's good, I like it.
So where was the road trip.
Glad you have good friends now.