Tonight, i got off work an hour early and was able to make it to the local CD Trading store. i bought O Brother, Where Art Thou? the soundtrack ($9.95), Blood Money by Tom Waits ($11.95), and "The Spaghetti Incident? " by Guns N' Roses ($7.95). if anyone actually reads my journal, which i highly doubt, i'd like to know if they think this is as odd a selection as the guy at the counter thought it was. i'm going to go sleep now, i have to get up early.
More Blogs
Friday Dec 05, 2008
Yaay! I'm sitting in my second last class in my final day of universi… -
Friday Aug 29, 2008
i really should be studying for my red seal... -
Tuesday Dec 11, 2007
just in case you were wondering, i just recently stopped screaming fr… -
Tuesday Oct 23, 2007
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg… -
Tuesday Aug 21, 2007
this is going to be my first post of a more personal nature, so we'll… -
Wednesday Jun 06, 2007
i need something new to post... -
Monday Apr 09, 2007
what the hell? why they always gotta be changin thangs? i just get u… -
Tuesday Mar 06, 2007
does anyone know anything about the biodiversity hotspot of mesoameri… -
Friday Mar 02, 2007
You say it's your birthday. It's my birthday too - yeah. They say i… -
Wednesday Feb 14, 2007
Artist: The J. Geils Band Lyrics Song: Love Stinks Lyrics You love …
can't wait for the were-rabbit movie to come out.
PS. I love whetstones... had some japanese sushi chefs (30 years in the business) show me how to use them... properly...
probably not as quick as the diamond stones... but mMMmm. tradition.
and what a great way to end a shift... after cleaning up...
zen-like even.