My mom got attacked by a crazy patient at work this morning.
Shes a nurse for those of you who dont know. The guy snapped and started chasing his assigned nurse. He threw her against the wall and dislocated her shoulder and then started punching her. My mom tried to help her, so she came up behind him to distract him. He then grabbed my moms arm, which is now covered in bruises, but she got away. Then he lunged at her and tackled her to the ground and then proceeded to twist her leg. He popped her knee and tore some ligaments. He didnt break it, thank god. Another nurse, the male nurse on my moms floor, was able to get him off of her and then it took 4 security guards to keep him down and sedate him, which then he coded but they ended up saving his life. Fuckers.
Saturday, the ER sent him to my moms floor (med surge) instead of the psych ward where he was suppose to go but because it was full, they had no where for him to go. Get this, so apparently while in the ER he had leather restraints on, but when they transferred him to my moms floor they took the restraints off because the ER wanted their leather restraints back. They just happened to fail to tell his new nurse and my moms floor that he needed restraints.
So I guess the guy was fine all Saturday and all day Sunday because his family was staying with him, but when they left at midnight he started giving his nurse a hard time. She called down to get a sitter to come in and stay with him for the rest of the night because she had other patients to attend to, but there wasnt a sitter available. Then thats when he snapped and went nuts.
My mom is in so much pain. She cant bend her knee; its swollen and severely bruised. Its in a brace. She can barely walk well because she cant put pressure on it. The man could have killed the other nurse if my mom didnt step in and then he could have killed her. Im very upset right now.
Fucking hospitals. Something needs to be done. Nationally nurses are supposed to have a max of 4 patients, which doesnt happen anywhere pretty much. My moms hospital says 6 is the max, on average the nurses usually get 8-10 patients each night. Hospitals are understaffed and they dont have enough supplies and there are people working there that just dont care what they do. Nurses are underappreciated and its disgusting. If the ER had given all the proper information and there were more nurses working, this could have been prevented.
Shes a nurse for those of you who dont know. The guy snapped and started chasing his assigned nurse. He threw her against the wall and dislocated her shoulder and then started punching her. My mom tried to help her, so she came up behind him to distract him. He then grabbed my moms arm, which is now covered in bruises, but she got away. Then he lunged at her and tackled her to the ground and then proceeded to twist her leg. He popped her knee and tore some ligaments. He didnt break it, thank god. Another nurse, the male nurse on my moms floor, was able to get him off of her and then it took 4 security guards to keep him down and sedate him, which then he coded but they ended up saving his life. Fuckers.
Saturday, the ER sent him to my moms floor (med surge) instead of the psych ward where he was suppose to go but because it was full, they had no where for him to go. Get this, so apparently while in the ER he had leather restraints on, but when they transferred him to my moms floor they took the restraints off because the ER wanted their leather restraints back. They just happened to fail to tell his new nurse and my moms floor that he needed restraints.
So I guess the guy was fine all Saturday and all day Sunday because his family was staying with him, but when they left at midnight he started giving his nurse a hard time. She called down to get a sitter to come in and stay with him for the rest of the night because she had other patients to attend to, but there wasnt a sitter available. Then thats when he snapped and went nuts.
My mom is in so much pain. She cant bend her knee; its swollen and severely bruised. Its in a brace. She can barely walk well because she cant put pressure on it. The man could have killed the other nurse if my mom didnt step in and then he could have killed her. Im very upset right now.
Fucking hospitals. Something needs to be done. Nationally nurses are supposed to have a max of 4 patients, which doesnt happen anywhere pretty much. My moms hospital says 6 is the max, on average the nurses usually get 8-10 patients each night. Hospitals are understaffed and they dont have enough supplies and there are people working there that just dont care what they do. Nurses are underappreciated and its disgusting. If the ER had given all the proper information and there were more nurses working, this could have been prevented.
Thank you so much!!
its ok sweets. I understand. I'll miss ya thought!