Dearest Darklings,
It really feels good to have a couple days off, to catch up on sleep, bills, eating, etc...Life is almost grand again. There have been some schedule changes to work for next week, which means I can't go to see the Arcade Fire, which also means I'm forced to sell it (for those interested souls, it is posted on ebay, under seller suede_head71). It gets pretty stressful when you have to shedule your concert life around work, it should be the other way around.
Rain is expected tomorrow. I always love rainy Fridays for some reason or other (insert Shirley Manson joke here). Tomorrow is gonna be interesting, I get to see two very good friends I used to work with; Barb and Akile. Akile is the Egyptian goddess music extroardinaire for Toronto, and Barb is an eccentric, artful single mom, trying to get her photgraphy biz up and running (check out her work CubePhotgraphy). Barb specializes in portraits for lil' ones, so if you have a lil' one contact her by all means for the day, "Big Exit" by PJ Harvey - this song totally rocks, check it!
It really feels good to have a couple days off, to catch up on sleep, bills, eating, etc...Life is almost grand again. There have been some schedule changes to work for next week, which means I can't go to see the Arcade Fire, which also means I'm forced to sell it (for those interested souls, it is posted on ebay, under seller suede_head71). It gets pretty stressful when you have to shedule your concert life around work, it should be the other way around.
Rain is expected tomorrow. I always love rainy Fridays for some reason or other (insert Shirley Manson joke here). Tomorrow is gonna be interesting, I get to see two very good friends I used to work with; Barb and Akile. Akile is the Egyptian goddess music extroardinaire for Toronto, and Barb is an eccentric, artful single mom, trying to get her photgraphy biz up and running (check out her work CubePhotgraphy). Barb specializes in portraits for lil' ones, so if you have a lil' one contact her by all means for the day, "Big Exit" by PJ Harvey - this song totally rocks, check it!