My computer crashed again, so I think it is time to do some serious open heart surgery and really fix it once and for all, plus I have my last 10 years work stored on it without a backup, seriously stupid I know, so finally I bought a back-up device to sort it out lets hope I can get everything back.
We went to the theatre yesterday to see Michael Naiker a Local comedian, was great to get out of the house have a good meal excellent bottle of wine, laugh and relax, I have not been able to do that for so long.
Then last night they had this stupid thing about the "The Secret" what a load of dog turd, what is so new about the idea, create goals work towards them and then get them, but no visualise goals, I hate it when someone thinks they have such a wonderful idea, when it is just semantics and the same ideas marketed better with more bells and whistles. Total dog turd. That is my 2 cents worth.
Well this is going to be a super duper week because I can visualise it hahahaha have fun
We went to the theatre yesterday to see Michael Naiker a Local comedian, was great to get out of the house have a good meal excellent bottle of wine, laugh and relax, I have not been able to do that for so long.
Then last night they had this stupid thing about the "The Secret" what a load of dog turd, what is so new about the idea, create goals work towards them and then get them, but no visualise goals, I hate it when someone thinks they have such a wonderful idea, when it is just semantics and the same ideas marketed better with more bells and whistles. Total dog turd. That is my 2 cents worth.
Well this is going to be a super duper week because I can visualise it hahahaha have fun

It's funny that you mention how much you hate this stupid thing called "The Secret" that's doing its rounds at the moment. I went shopping for birthday pressies on Saturday morning, & the owner of the one shop I went into kept going on & on about it, & even ended up showing me the damn video on her laptop! I also thought it was a complete load of crap. Of course I didn't tell HER that, but I just can't believe people "buy into" this sort of hogwash. Thank God I'm not the only cynic / realist out there, he he