What a great night, I have really started to enjoy Monday nights. Jo-Anne and I went to dance classes last night, and we learned a new dance the swing frikkin awesome. So now we know the basics for the rhythm foxtrot, cha-cha and now the swing. I think I am really going to enjoy the swing it is danced to real 50's rock music frikkin awesome. So this Friday we are off to our first social dance, cant wait I have a beautiful date, good bottle of wine and some killer basic moves.
It is strange I grew up in Jo'burg and my parents are very successful entrepreneurs and their lives are run by the material, I love them to bits and there success did allow me to get benefits that other people would never have got, but it never interested me. I like the fact that I garden, try and live off the land, and just live a normal life nothing fancy or exciting. The question I have is do I live the life I do because that is what I want, or am I able to live that life because of advantages I was given.
I work in IT and I am frikkin awesome at it, this is confidence in my abilities not some arrogant misconception or bravado. But there must be more, I really enjoy graphic design and illustration, and do extra work after hours, because I am so scared that it won't pay the bills, and there I thought I was completely different to my parents, I am also trapped by the material. I have the house and the car and if I don't work I lose it all so I am trapped by my stuff. So I am not complaining just find it strange thought I was so different to everyone and especially my parents, and there I turn out almost exactly the same. Very Strange
I hope everyone has a great day.
It is strange I grew up in Jo'burg and my parents are very successful entrepreneurs and their lives are run by the material, I love them to bits and there success did allow me to get benefits that other people would never have got, but it never interested me. I like the fact that I garden, try and live off the land, and just live a normal life nothing fancy or exciting. The question I have is do I live the life I do because that is what I want, or am I able to live that life because of advantages I was given.
I work in IT and I am frikkin awesome at it, this is confidence in my abilities not some arrogant misconception or bravado. But there must be more, I really enjoy graphic design and illustration, and do extra work after hours, because I am so scared that it won't pay the bills, and there I thought I was completely different to my parents, I am also trapped by the material. I have the house and the car and if I don't work I lose it all so I am trapped by my stuff. So I am not complaining just find it strange thought I was so different to everyone and especially my parents, and there I turn out almost exactly the same. Very Strange
I hope everyone has a great day.
...Hmmm, that's a tough one to answer, mate. I'm in a similar position in that my folks paid for my tertiary education (even though I flunked out TWICE
Personally, I think it's a parent's responsibility & duty to give their child a fair start in life, & that INCLUDES putting money aside for his/her tertiary education AND a cheap second-hand car if you live in a country like ours that doesn't have a safe & reliable public transport system. What then becomes of those assests (education & wheels) is purely up to the individual.
If I look at my life & what I've achieved thus far, it's pretty much all my own doing. I certainly never enjoyed the luxury of any favours (eg. nepotism) or hand-outs (financial or otherwise). I moved out of home when I was 18 (actually I was kicked out, but that's another story altogether!), & since then I have been completely independent. I had to learn to stand on my own two feet at a relatively young age (most people I know lived with their parents right into their mid-20s), & through that process I learnt the value of money, & just how much hard work it takes to earn an honest living. But I guess now I'm all the better for it, & extremely proud of where I stand today