soi have been talking to this girl for months. We have grown really close and I really like her ivetold her this and she tells me she doesnt want a relationship with anyone right now. We have out and stuff but then tonight she (while hammered drunk) she kisses her one guy friend shat she seems to be close too. I dont know what to do but shes always given me the feel more could happen. Idk what to do. Any ideas? Ivebeen hurt too many times and really donr want to lose her
Shes puttng you on hold, i doubt she wants to be with you and she probably gives you just enough to keep you hooked. you should let it go nobody deserves to be strung along as a back up. I know its not what you wanna hear but if you want the friendship I'd just focus on hat rather then getting urself frustrated.
Mmm, I must say I have to agree with @emibot on this one.