Sitting on the beach the next afternoon, a little ways down from Kynas house, I began to get kind of melancholy and thoughtful again. I mean, my gosh, Kynas house obliterates Sinces house. No contest. Forever, as long as I can remember, Sinces house was the standard. You couldnt have a better house, with the hill and the woods and that huge fireplace that we...
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I must have looked completely out of my mind, but I just about lost my marbles there, in the back of the #7 train. I literally had to fight, essentially alone at that hour, to not come unglued. Or at least not to look that way.
I read you every day , Tracey asks how we are doing here, I like how you use this as a journal of sorts , I should probably do the same , I think I would write that as a STATE CHAMPION cross country runner, not a "member" but a scoring state champion, who was the fifth finisher for my school and they count 5 in the score , I WON a state championship, neither of my parents EVER attended a meet.
Tracey expired I sent her a renewal yesterday
So they were always right there, in my hair, so to speak. They ate, slept, and did everything right smack dab in the living room. I couldnt enter or leave the house without walking practically right in front of them. But thankfully most of the time they were just so engrossed in the T.V. that ran 24 hours a day, droning on, that they didnt...
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Oh and I cant even attempt to begin to even try to explain how that little piece of fucking shit, no-name lawn mower was the center of my dads pathetic, awful, dismal little universe. Besides being bowel looseningly loud and billowing waxy black smoke and soot and making this sickly coughing and wheezing and stalling type of sound whenever it encountered grass that was tall...
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I dont ever think about this shit , I repress and then you write it and it is like oh yeah that happened, kinda like someone filling in the details of a nightout that was softened for me by various and sundry potions .
Dr. Sherman was funny in a way and would go off on these crazy tangents. During group he would go off on these tangents that would be funny and all and even a little creepy. A lot creepy actually. He wasnt trying to be funny or anything, not in the least bit, but his tangents were certainly funny and weird and creeped me out in...
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You find yourself standing around the side entrance of Sonic for 20 minutes or so, while she talks to Drew, a jail house tattoo covered, "cigarette pack in the short sleeve dress shirt pocket", awfully dark tanned for an assistant manager at the Radio Shack in the strip mall, "good person". A strip mall by the way that through absolutely nothing more than total happenstance...
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And its funny, because as I walked down that little path after the much longer than expected hastily planned flight to Formentera and made my way slowly to the jetty that protected that nice little cove that formed the beach in front of our resort, I realized, more or less out of the blue, that I have this kind of bad habit that when Im...
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His fridge was always jam packed with all kinds of stuff. I even noticed that incredibly fresh-looking bundle of carrots on the bottom shelf next to all those yogurts and things. I had honestly noticed the carrots when I was more or less just standing there, in front of the fridge, with both doors flung wide open, staring as I had done many times before,...
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I just made a journal entry to your journal to show you you are still active 4:51PM Tuesday
I swear you are still active on SG , you wouldn't have a journal I could post to if you were not . Try to write a journal entry, please!
My mind was wandering as I walked over to the park to kind of sit by the dog run and watch them (the dogs) run, jump and climb on the tired looking picnic bench that's in there. Oh, and also sip my black coffee. And try to spot one of those admittedly badass looking black squirrels. If I was lucky.
1.There's a certain type of...
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1.There's a certain type of...
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This is so out of character for the individuals involved, she was with that group because they WOULD NEVER do something like this.
She was attracted to their strength of character and now this almost complete clinical breakdown, with this extreme alternative behavior.
She is in disbelief, she always thought that these were people with loving caring compassionate souls and one day , like a movie , all of her reality shifted, like giant tectonic plates and and what was once up is now done and what was down is up.
Shocked, she scrambles to understand this transition which is akin to a psychotic break, all the human genuiness that she valued in these individuals now gone.