Modern Kintsugi is LIFEHONEY's analology for life and all the trevails that we endure.
And having completed my first ever modern kintsugi project, I can attest that they are correct in the analogy.
Life and Modern Kintsugi are...
Seriously, I got done with all that gold dust and I felt and LOOKED like I'd been rubbing up against a Stripper, a GoGo Dancer, and that guy you see places that's always painted head to toe in gold (Hi Steve!). I mean.. not that this is a bad thing... but.. it was a bit one sided in the practice. I was the one doing the rubbing after all, so it just wasn't quite fair. Just like life.
The instructions were clear and easy to follow and the guided mindfulness videos were instructive and easy to follow. It was a pleasant introduction into Modern Kintsugi with a purpose. Healing, Mindfulness, Renewal, and Appreciation.
I'd recommend these kits to be shared. Assembling the bowl with epoxy really would have been easier with extra hands. The timing is a bit hard with your doing it yourself. But you should give them a try. It was well worth the cost for the experience.
BTW. Opening the box is truly an experience all unto itself. I won't share those photos here because I don't want to spoil it for you. But know there's something else in store for you should you too get a LIFEHONEY kit.