Make sure you’re walking in with the correct attitude and approach.
Be the Agent for Change for yourself and your organization.
Become An Agent For Change by Naulite
Become An Agent For Change by Naulite
We all want to be happy, right? But sometimes, the more we chase after happiness, the more elusive it seems to be. In fact, constantly searching for happiness can actually lead to sadness and depression. Confusing, I know. But let me explain why.
First of all, our expectations for happiness are often too high. We think that once we get that promotion, buy that new
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Do you ever have those days where you just want to say, "Fuck This Shit!!!!" To.. Everything... all day... just...
Fuck It All!
Just Fuck It!
Modern Kintsugi is LIFEHONEY's analology for life and all the trevails that we endure.
And having completed my first ever modern kintsugi project, I can attest that they are correct in the analogy.
Life and Modern Kintsugi are...
Seriously, I got done with all that gold dust and I felt and LOOKED like I'd been rubbing up against a Stripper,
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To those we miss
Who always sat beside us
Who encouraged us to reach just a little further
Who showed us a different life that we never new existed before
To those we miss
Who loved us when we could not
Who cared for us when we would not
Who cried for us when we did not
To those we miss
Our hearts cry for
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No really, come here.There's something I've got to tell you.
But it's a secret, so you've got to come closer so I can tell you.
Like really close, so I can softly whisper this secret in your ear.
Yeah, that'll work too... Good Job on getting close enough.
Now you're going to have to keep this secret to yourself, so
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The difference between how it looks when we stretch.
And how it feels when we stretch.
Feels great, doesn't it?
May your heart be overflowing with ten fold the gratitude and joy that you spread in the world each day.
I have shit that I'm dealing with. I'm doing the best I can.
I'm not perfect and that's ok because we're all allowed to fuck up some times.
And while I might not be completely right in the head and heart, this doesn't make what I say or feel wrong. Just sometimes it's wrong how I say it or express that feeling.
If at some
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