well, i'm in transit to afghanistan. as luck would have it, there was a huge prison break in the province i will be residing in about a week ago, so there ought to be business enough to keep my unit busy during our year stay. it's always happy news to hear that all the baddys that coalition forces have been risking there necks to lock up have been allowed to leave without the afghanis so much as batting an eye. ah well, this is the job i get paid for, so i can't complain too much. just wouldn't mind it if the US got around to using us troops in a manner that actually benefitted the good folks back home, rather than simply being a tagline in an election race. on the upside, a year in the sandbox really does make you appreciate all the really great stuff we have back home. i suppose the biggest dilemma facing me now is what to do with my mid tour leave. i'd like to hit up some really fantastic halloween party somewhere, if i'm able to take it around that time. well folks, if you pray, include us occasionally, and if you don't, perhaps just think of us fondly. i'll certainly be thinking fondly of all of you, and looking forward to when next we meet