yesterday I returned home from a week in London!
I had really a great time,even if London is very very expensive!
I went there for the tattoo convention
but this time I didn't get tattooed so I entried only one day,just to say hello to some friends of mine!
for the rest of the week I satisfied my passion for vintage in various markets like camden,bricklane and portobello,I buyed two pairs of lovely handmade old brogues and some little hats!
and I saw a lot of exhibitions...I really liked the V&A museum's ones...the one about the divine Lee Miller
and the one about the golden age of the you know the first dresses about dior,balenciaga ecc..
and the day before the return I went to the cinema...I saw Control,the wonderful movie about Joy Division's Ian made me cry too...I think I will see it again,and again,and again........
...(and don't forget to comment on my hopeful set...

I had really a great time,even if London is very very expensive!
I went there for the tattoo convention

but this time I didn't get tattooed so I entried only one day,just to say hello to some friends of mine!
for the rest of the week I satisfied my passion for vintage in various markets like camden,bricklane and portobello,I buyed two pairs of lovely handmade old brogues and some little hats!
and I saw a lot of exhibitions...I really liked the V&A museum's ones...the one about the divine Lee Miller

and the one about the golden age of the you know the first dresses about dior,balenciaga ecc..

and the day before the return I went to the cinema...I saw Control,the wonderful movie about Joy Division's Ian made me cry too...I think I will see it again,and again,and again........

...(and don't forget to comment on my hopeful set...

guarda pure io ero distrutta....cmq a breve metto qualche fotina ......anzi scusa se non ti ho ero troooooppo stanca!!