How many fucking times do you have to fucking write a journal entry to not have it fucking disappear randomly....FUCK! Third time is a charm, this better not disappear...each entry gets condensed.
1. Go watch
Dusty's video, Takeover. I watch it damn near everyday because it cracks my shit up. That girl is fucking rad!
2. This is fucking amazing. I have been doing it once/week the last two weeks and it is changing my life.
3. Don't drink the water....drink the Fred' Old Town. Everyone is doing it, and even if they weren't...I'm there 15-20 hours a week so it's worth a visit! Yay!
4. Go say Happy Birthday to rojo...she's getting fucking old and haggard
Speaking of the ro-jo, here's some pictures from last weekend...what I like to call The Last Weekend of Glorious Unemployment:
My virgin voyage on San Diego's fine transportation system...the trolley
Street Scene Day 1...the aftermath: rojo and I at the former place of employment
Rojo and Frank from the Pixies rockin out
Fuck Yeah![IMG][/IMG]
the rojo, the cherrybomb00 and I....good times as usual (check out the lady belt...cuz I like the ladies!)
Hope everyone is enjoying life as much as I am....and if you're not happy, then at least be really sad, so that you know what happy is when you get it and you are at least feeling and living
1. Go watch
Dusty's video, Takeover. I watch it damn near everyday because it cracks my shit up. That girl is fucking rad!
2. This is fucking amazing. I have been doing it once/week the last two weeks and it is changing my life.
3. Don't drink the water....drink the Fred' Old Town. Everyone is doing it, and even if they weren't...I'm there 15-20 hours a week so it's worth a visit! Yay!
4. Go say Happy Birthday to rojo...she's getting fucking old and haggard
Speaking of the ro-jo, here's some pictures from last weekend...what I like to call The Last Weekend of Glorious Unemployment:
My virgin voyage on San Diego's fine transportation system...the trolley

Street Scene Day 1...the aftermath: rojo and I at the former place of employment

Rojo and Frank from the Pixies rockin out

Fuck Yeah![IMG][/IMG]
the rojo, the cherrybomb00 and I....good times as usual (check out the lady belt...cuz I like the ladies!)

Hope everyone is enjoying life as much as I am....and if you're not happy, then at least be really sad, so that you know what happy is when you get it and you are at least feeling and living