Oh happy day! I LOVE COFFEE....mixed with sunshine and good friends the serotonin spike can last all day!
And I also get giddy when I don't sleep much....(2 hours last night cuz gord462 needed a ride to the airport and I'm good like that).
I'm starting to realize that routine long runs on the beach in the moonlight are more effective than antidepressants.....I'm becoming a jogging junkie again (hide your sneakers).
Not that any of you care, but the love of my life and the only target ever of my unrequited love turns 30 today.....(sigh)
And I also get giddy when I don't sleep much....(2 hours last night cuz gord462 needed a ride to the airport and I'm good like that).
I'm starting to realize that routine long runs on the beach in the moonlight are more effective than antidepressants.....I'm becoming a jogging junkie again (hide your sneakers).
Not that any of you care, but the love of my life and the only target ever of my unrequited love turns 30 today.....(sigh)
30 huh? I'm dreading it already, I've actually been counting down to 30 since I was a kid. Sad, but unfortunately true. Moonlight jogs huh? On the beach? That was me last year, but nowadays I've been going at around 4:00 pm and I stay on the roads.....actually in La Jolla, it's kinda nice and there aren't too many people out. It'sd getting way too cold tho', so I might start going a little sooner, that's one thing I NEED to be addicted to! lol..Ahh,coffee...it get's me through the days, but in CA I haven't found a good place to get an iced coffee so I'm stuck with Frappaccino.(in the bottle) Good to see you back!
Yeah, that whole thing with the MB rapist is pretty scary..that was close to your house huh? That's really uncool. I'm actually one of your snobby neighbours to the north..lol..PB. I've been here for about 3 years now, and I really dig the PB area, but then again I've only lived here. But I do love the Boardwalk Bistro...also, you guys have a Taang! records, so that's pretty cool..