I am considering the possibility that I am bipolar....I could be smack dab in the middle of a maniac episode right now. Only mine are not the fun kind where you go on wild adventures and spend lots of money and think you are the sexiest person on the planet. Mine just allow me to stay up all night and finish a two-week project in 8 hours. Ironically, I'm working on a powerpoint presentation on the antidepressant Wellbutrin, which is sometimes used to treat bipolar disorder. Ya know what else it is being used for according to tonight's research? Female "viagra". Studies are being held to see if it acts as an aphrodesiac....I wanna join!
Speaking of which, Red , I just had a thought tonight....well lots, but one in particular that concerns you. Seeing as how my pull-out couch bed always requires some form of holistic healing treatment upon awakening, I have come up with a plan. Ye who brings home the plaything must stay on the couch bed, while the lonely soul relishes in the comfort of IKEA and goose feathers, regardless of ownership. Uh oh...what if we are both having slutty bar 'jo (he, he!... get it?) night? I guess in that case, we would have to default to a foursome to be fair. I bet you can't wait to come back!
I also wanted to say thanks for being the cleanest houseguest besides my mom, and SO much more fun!
Spring Fling Fun in the Sun kicks off tomorrow with the first Vegas trip, followed by freshly legal-drinking-age sibling visits, another Vegas trip, visits from a best childhood friend, b-day, Coachella, a visit from best college/boozer-days friend, graduation, and who knows what else is gonna get thrown in the mix!
Gordo, your presence is still being requested on the mission to Mirage, but I'll have you know that a certain hot Latina chica will also be accompanying us on the journey. It's so much bet-turer when everyone is in, are you in?
Speaking of which, Red , I just had a thought tonight....well lots, but one in particular that concerns you. Seeing as how my pull-out couch bed always requires some form of holistic healing treatment upon awakening, I have come up with a plan. Ye who brings home the plaything must stay on the couch bed, while the lonely soul relishes in the comfort of IKEA and goose feathers, regardless of ownership. Uh oh...what if we are both having slutty bar 'jo (he, he!... get it?) night? I guess in that case, we would have to default to a foursome to be fair. I bet you can't wait to come back!
I also wanted to say thanks for being the cleanest houseguest besides my mom, and SO much more fun!
Spring Fling Fun in the Sun kicks off tomorrow with the first Vegas trip, followed by freshly legal-drinking-age sibling visits, another Vegas trip, visits from a best childhood friend, b-day, Coachella, a visit from best college/boozer-days friend, graduation, and who knows what else is gonna get thrown in the mix!
Gordo, your presence is still being requested on the mission to Mirage, but I'll have you know that a certain hot Latina chica will also be accompanying us on the journey. It's so much bet-turer when everyone is in, are you in?

NattyPantties - winner hands down. the title was sealed when she said 'hey, let's stop in and take a shot at every bar along the way' (while already drunk and walking to a bar, no less).