Hi Ho, Hi Ho
It's not off to work I go!
What should I do with my Friday night?
Something (or someone, haha) very wacky.....hmmm. Nah.
I would be perfectly happy at home with a movie....or, hanging with some chill folks.........or, getting dolled up and hanging out at work anyway (gasp! I miss the crew, just don't feel like working so much all the time!)
I found a new place to live....no more roommate drama! Much more sleep! Much less rent money! And, it's still in North Park. yeppir.
I'm very proud to announce that I'm going to a shotgun wedding in Arkansas in two weeks. Now, how many of you can say you've done that? I can't wait. And, in related news, I'm going to be an auntie. This makes me very happy.
Questions of the day:
Would I be having sex more if my crotch wax wasn't past due, or would my crotch wax not be past due if I were having sex more?
Why do I keep running into Damian Kulash from OkGo and he still hasn't proposed? (If any of you know him, can you ask him please? Tell him I have a lot of debt, but I've got a lot of potential....and that's open to interpretation.)
Okay, now something serious. Why have I had the re-ocurring urge lately to stand on my head?
So, I've been enormously stressed lately as evidenced by the lack of posting. So, I quit drinking (time and energy sucker) for awhile and started going to the gym every morning (energy creator). In the past, when I started working out a lot, I got incredibly horny. This time, I had so much anxiety to start out with that I've kind of just gotten to this neutral place where I'm feeling calm, and starting to think about sex again....as in, "why haven't I thought about sex lately?.... Wow, how long has it been?.... Is that my vibrator on the floor? Hmmph."
I was real down for awhile, but I think I'm feeling better now because songs like the Ketchup Song are popping into my head and I'm not getting pissed off. I'm just wishing that I knew the words so I could sing along.....
It's not off to work I go!
What should I do with my Friday night?
Something (or someone, haha) very wacky.....hmmm. Nah.
I would be perfectly happy at home with a movie....or, hanging with some chill folks.........or, getting dolled up and hanging out at work anyway (gasp! I miss the crew, just don't feel like working so much all the time!)
I found a new place to live....no more roommate drama! Much more sleep! Much less rent money! And, it's still in North Park. yeppir.
I'm very proud to announce that I'm going to a shotgun wedding in Arkansas in two weeks. Now, how many of you can say you've done that? I can't wait. And, in related news, I'm going to be an auntie. This makes me very happy.
Questions of the day:
Would I be having sex more if my crotch wax wasn't past due, or would my crotch wax not be past due if I were having sex more?
Why do I keep running into Damian Kulash from OkGo and he still hasn't proposed? (If any of you know him, can you ask him please? Tell him I have a lot of debt, but I've got a lot of potential....and that's open to interpretation.)
Okay, now something serious. Why have I had the re-ocurring urge lately to stand on my head?
So, I've been enormously stressed lately as evidenced by the lack of posting. So, I quit drinking (time and energy sucker) for awhile and started going to the gym every morning (energy creator). In the past, when I started working out a lot, I got incredibly horny. This time, I had so much anxiety to start out with that I've kind of just gotten to this neutral place where I'm feeling calm, and starting to think about sex again....as in, "why haven't I thought about sex lately?.... Wow, how long has it been?.... Is that my vibrator on the floor? Hmmph."
I was real down for awhile, but I think I'm feeling better now because songs like the Ketchup Song are popping into my head and I'm not getting pissed off. I'm just wishing that I knew the words so I could sing along.....
How much is it to join 24 hour fitness? I used to love going to work out at midnight when there were no chodes there.
Hooray for crotch waxings!!
I'll get the midgets and ponies rounded up and come get the couch as soon as i can. Let me know if there are good times for you. I'll be calling you though, so i can just ask you in person.
and finally, we're probably gonna celebrate my birthday on the 25th of this month so keep that day open!!
talk to you soon, chica.
Biking to work never fails though, because I actually *have* to go there every day. Seems like I need imperative reasons or I bail.... I should work on that. Did the same at school, most of the work got done fairly late, when the due date becomes an imperative hehe
And thanks for reminding me.... *adds "attend a shotgun wedding" to list of things to do in life*