Hi loves! @rambo @missy @jacqueline
My God! Today I wake up way more happy because I'm Pink.
It appears to be a dream!!
In August 2019 I traveled to São Paulo- BR with my recruiter @fla and other girls @infernum @dawud @amyvalent @ravenland Ana
I met other official Suicede Girls and hopefuls in person, it was wonderful!
In this trip that I participated in a Shooting Day organized by @babu where made 2 sets, one of those was "Way of happiness" by the photographer @kalincamaki .
We thought in every detail, looks, where would be the location, poses, and it was all impeccable!
After almost 2 months in MR it was bought!!
I'm so happy and grateful for all the people that cheered and believed in me! In special I'm so grateful for all the friends that I did here!
Now you can way a lot more sets, this is the beginning of a new cycle! 💕💕