It's really hard these days not to get distracted by notifications from Facebook or Instagram. I recently decided to stay away from Reddit and canceled my Snapchat a while back even though it saddened my fans (sorry).
My verdict is that social medias are doom, from the likes to the comment, it can easily take over your life before you pay too much attention to it. Of course it's an amazing tool for us to promote and/or advertise but I lately realized how much time it was taking away from the important things in life.
I plead guilty, I have to see every comments and swipe for hours every day, sometimes just out of boredom, but lately I decided to help myself out of it and got a free app who monitors how long I spend on each and every app on my phone. It also has a small timer on every time I open one and it's the amount I end up being on there every day of my life is CRAZY.
It's not like I lack hobbies, between my dog, gaming, painting, hiking, art, reading and bothering my out of the country friends but it took this silly timer to help me realize how much I was missing on.
It's the simple things that make life exiting so every once in a while, try to have a day free of the internet, go for a walk, invite a friend for a drink, read that book you bought last month and pretended you didn't have time to read. Make that day a whole weekend, maybe try a week even !
I love seeing all my fellow models grow and make the most amazing things on social media but I find that the waves of pretty things, desperate world situations, injustice brings the worst out of me. : Some make me feel like I'm not good enough, others like everything is helpless. Overall I became a much less happy person.
Cutting off and giving myself Social media free days really helped with my self esteem and my relationships. Give it a try. :)
@rambo @missy