I look forward to taking the road again, my dog's chops taking the wind, his hand holding mine and the dreams of eternal life ahead.
I look forward to embrace my French family/friends again, showing them the woman I became, share nights of laughter and cries.
I look forward to go camp again, gaze into the flames, wake up to gorgeous sunrises, discover a new piece of paradise.
I look forward to love again, find myself in a dark abyss, discover forever again before I leave in peace.
I look forward to everything in life.
Never stop to look forward to things, it's what makes life, life.
@freakme camping is LIFE. The wilds, the fire, the silence, the sunrise... I mean minus the mosquito bites it's heaven on Earth 😍😍😍
I don't camp much anymore do to not having vehicle, I would love living in log cabin in wilderness surviving with nature.