Hi everyone !
I really am not good at this whole blogging thing but I didn't want that part to be entirely empty so here is a quick, unedited, raw piece from my years in the Big Apple in 2014. I'm a nice girl but I'm a little psycho chaotic at times haha but don't we all love embracing our inner darkness ? This piece is of course a metaphor about my unhappy love life in NYC which sucked me into its crazy party circles. Don't ask me why I had to ruin a Disney icon in the process, ask the all kind of intoxicated girl I was then.
Two years, yes, two years already in that big apple.
Everything is lust around my weakened body and I'm craving that fairy tale.
The apple is just so juicy : Beautiful red curves, like a rose, a rose which would scream my name. Alas everything goes fast as the poison kiss my lips and finish between my legs.
Maybe I'm the evil bitch; that'd explain that voice in my head but I never listen to it, I only reflect Belle : A brain in working order accompanied by a dangerous curiosity. Always turning to the beast as I'm looking for the prince charming.
But I'm no fucking princess. Yeah, I'm probably the evil bitch, sleeping beauty on the outside with 70yo old sorceress in the inside. Offering her, not so precious anymore, juicy apple to whoever doesn't deserve it.
So what ? Snow white brings me to the seven dwarfs a week. I'd blame her all night, if she wasn't so pure and perfect, I'd probably just stay in my castle living a different dream.
At least I wouldn't be typing to myself at 6am wondering why again, why again I chose the happy ending.
Why not take the Sleeping beauty/Sorceress magic carpet out of Appleland to places of Beauty and charm where the castles are white and pure?