This year I accomplished one of my lifelong goals in January, I bought a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Ever since I was around 5 or 6, I knew I had to have one and it finally happened at 28 years old. However, that's old news and I've knocked another goal off the list as of tonight. I finally saw Motley Crue in concert, and it was amazing. Alice Cooper played tonight too, and that's still the best show I've ever seen. I saw Alice ten years ago (almost to the day) in Detroit and he hasn't slowed down at all. If this tour comes to your town, you'd be crazy not to go. I took my sister, who came back from Florida for it, and she said it's the best concert she's ever seen. Of course it helps that she got her picture taken with Tommy Lee after the show, but still an amazing way to spend a Sunday. Wouldn't change a thing.
Thanks, I couldn't be happier. And yes I understand how sappy that sounds lol @bubblegumskunk7
Not at all! It's good to be thankful 😆