hi everyone!
I know it's been a while since I've written a proper blog updating on things, so I'm doing it now!
So much has gone on in the past few months! I went from having no job to two jobs. I also got apprenticeship at a salon. I work long days every day and don't make very much but I know the hard work will be worth it in the end.
I have also officially started making plans to shoot with @alissa ! I'm so, SO excited to work with her! I emailed her thinking. 'If I don't get a response this time I'm going to give up on SG for a while" she responded that same morning. I considered it a sign to keep trying.
@victoria_ came and visited me for a few days not too long ago and a few days was just not enough!! She is one of the best friends I could ever ask for and I'm so thankful for SG for bringing us together. She doesn't judge me and she understands me more than anyone else ever could. I miss her terribly, but summer is fast approaching! It's only a matter of time until I see her again!
I've finished some tattoos and started some new ones, and also pierced the other side of my nose:D
For the most part, everything is going pretty well! Things are finally starting to move in a positive direction and I'm so thankful<3
I hope all of you lovely people had a great weekend!
Stay golden xx