how is everyone?
I've been okay, not too great but not too bad either. I started nail school last week and I'm really excited about it! My plan is to go to nail school and work as a technician for a while until I have enough money to go back to school (:
My second set was accepted this week! 'Southside' shot by Rebecca Metcalf is queded for MR and I cannot wait for everyone to see it! We also have plans to shoot another set sometime this week so hopefully I'll have a few things in the queue soon!
Ive been stressed out a lot lately and it's been really draining, but I'm trying my best to get back on track so I can feel like myself again.
By the way, I'm going to the Blackheart Burlesque show in Manhattan on the 19th, who else will be there??
Let me know (: