fda bans caffeinated alcoholic beverages UNLIKE
if u can come to the conclusion that drinking 10 red bulls is probably not the smartest idea.then you have to be able to realize that 10 sparks or tilts or cores or fours will probably have some adverse affects.but nooo punish all of us that actually can use our brains to make rational decisions. my opinion if u are that stupid.drink 20 and have a heart attack and die!!
if u can come to the conclusion that drinking 10 red bulls is probably not the smartest idea.then you have to be able to realize that 10 sparks or tilts or cores or fours will probably have some adverse affects.but nooo punish all of us that actually can use our brains to make rational decisions. my opinion if u are that stupid.drink 20 and have a heart attack and die!!

Government nannyism. Who needs it?
Well, in all honesty, Four Locos, if you drink 2 of them your black out drunk. Have you tried it? Try it, I dare you.