Wednesday Nov 03, 2010 Nov 3, 2010 2 Facebook Tweet Email u know being a web cam model has its downfalls like when guys randomly think they can be mean ugh i'm a nice gal douches VIEW 25 of 31 COMMENTS the_libertine: You are a nice girl. A very nice one at that. The Net makes cowards feel "tough" enough to say shit via a screen that they would never say in person. Ignore them. Or, conversely, tell me who's ass I need to kick. Love ya, darling. Happy Birthday. Nov 6, 2010 xiro: Another great thing about the net is being able 2 choose who u talk 2. If u dont like em just simply hit block, ignore, or report em. We should talk sum. Nov 6, 2010
The Net makes cowards feel "tough" enough to say shit via a screen that they would never say in person.
Ignore them. Or, conversely, tell me who's ass I need to kick.
Love ya, darling. Happy Birthday.