Modern warfare holds, for the vast American populace, all the true pain and excitement of a video arcade game. Personified armamnets fall down on cities like a deadly rain of destruction. We have the abilitynow to create mass death with the flip of a switch.
A seperation is created. Life is further devaluated.
Is this my fault?
I read the accounts of the United States intervening in Third World (said with arrogance) governments as they oppress and suppress the citizen populace.
Could I have prevented this?
African nations are starving as we either destroy our surplus grain, pay farmers not to produce it, or allow the greedy beef industry to use pastures and rain forests (which could be put to better use), to fatten their already bloated pockets.
The question is not whether we can change things, the question is whether or not we have tried.
This is my apology to every person who has lost a loved one in a war or through terrorist actions sponsored by the United States, been forced to work in horrible conditions by American Corporate Nations for the privilege of starving to death slowly, and to every person who has had their life adversly affected by the United States of America.
I'm sorry.
I should've done something.
I'm sorry."
boy sets fire.
please don't anyone take this as me saying i dont love my country. the fact is i love my country more than anything in the world, but i love it for the people. how is it that i get to sit here and relax on my computer and if i feel like leaving the water running for two straight days i can do so and barely pay for it? there are people with no water to drink let alone shower or do laundry or have swimming pools or hot tubs. im not saying for a second that im any better than anyone else. i waste jsut as much as everyone else, i take all i have for granted. why??? because thats the way we are raised.
so called third world countries aren't even really percieved as real anymore. most people think of them as more of a sad story on cnn or maybe a depressing national geographic special. what the fuck? how have we become so arrogant as a species that none cares anymore? if it doesnt make a profit why bother? if it doesnt further the growth of your economic power than fuck it. it doesnt exist.
people seek solace in the small things. a corporate ceo feels better about buying multiple small companies and forcing 100's or even 1000's out of jobs, because he donated to the salvation army this year for a tax write off. or maybe on the way to his bmw he drops a dollar in a homeless mans cup. never once does he stop and realize.....shit, that guy is homeless because of me. wake up asshole.
the bottom line is money.
no one cares beyond their bank account. i cant disclude myself. i am as guilty as the man with the bmw. by doing nothing i become the same.
still. no one cares. odds are no one will read this.
one final question.
do you care?
Modern warfare holds, for the vast American populace, all the true pain and excitement of a video arcade game. Personified armamnets fall down on cities like a deadly rain of destruction. We have the abilitynow to create mass death with the flip of a switch.
A seperation is created. Life is further devaluated.
Is this my fault?
I read the accounts of the United States intervening in Third World (said with arrogance) governments as they oppress and suppress the citizen populace.
Could I have prevented this?
African nations are starving as we either destroy our surplus grain, pay farmers not to produce it, or allow the greedy beef industry to use pastures and rain forests (which could be put to better use), to fatten their already bloated pockets.
The question is not whether we can change things, the question is whether or not we have tried.
This is my apology to every person who has lost a loved one in a war or through terrorist actions sponsored by the United States, been forced to work in horrible conditions by American Corporate Nations for the privilege of starving to death slowly, and to every person who has had their life adversly affected by the United States of America.
I'm sorry.
I should've done something.
I'm sorry."
boy sets fire.
please don't anyone take this as me saying i dont love my country. the fact is i love my country more than anything in the world, but i love it for the people. how is it that i get to sit here and relax on my computer and if i feel like leaving the water running for two straight days i can do so and barely pay for it? there are people with no water to drink let alone shower or do laundry or have swimming pools or hot tubs. im not saying for a second that im any better than anyone else. i waste jsut as much as everyone else, i take all i have for granted. why??? because thats the way we are raised.
so called third world countries aren't even really percieved as real anymore. most people think of them as more of a sad story on cnn or maybe a depressing national geographic special. what the fuck? how have we become so arrogant as a species that none cares anymore? if it doesnt make a profit why bother? if it doesnt further the growth of your economic power than fuck it. it doesnt exist.
people seek solace in the small things. a corporate ceo feels better about buying multiple small companies and forcing 100's or even 1000's out of jobs, because he donated to the salvation army this year for a tax write off. or maybe on the way to his bmw he drops a dollar in a homeless mans cup. never once does he stop and realize.....shit, that guy is homeless because of me. wake up asshole.
the bottom line is money.
no one cares beyond their bank account. i cant disclude myself. i am as guilty as the man with the bmw. by doing nothing i become the same.
still. no one cares. odds are no one will read this.
one final question.
do you care?