So Exercise is utter fail about now
My usual walk is 2.4 miles when tracked on a map and I usually walk that in 30 minutes or less. So today I started the walk and wanted to try and walk as fast as I could. Just to check my fitness level for the walk. So I was able to walk at full speed for the entire walk without going out of breath. Milo hated me for it
So I might need to start jogging at this rate hmmm damm it

My usual walk is 2.4 miles when tracked on a map and I usually walk that in 30 minutes or less. So today I started the walk and wanted to try and walk as fast as I could. Just to check my fitness level for the walk. So I was able to walk at full speed for the entire walk without going out of breath. Milo hated me for it

So I might need to start jogging at this rate hmmm damm it
too much competition! too many hot girls!
Carnivale is the only show I even care about, no joke.